- Children will get homework Monday-Thursday. Homework will be available to view online via Aladdin. If you have any problem viewing this please contact the school secretary.
- Please encourage your child to start their homework early after school in order to develop a good routine.
- Your child will be notified of P.E. days in September.
- Children finish school at 1.45p.m. Please collect your child on time.
- Please ensure your child has the required class requisites as per booklist.
- Please top up essentials such as pencils, colours etc. as needed.
- Please make sure all belongings including jumpers, coats etc. are labelled.
There are three reading books from the reading zone. ‘The Big Horse’, (green words), ‘What a Mess’, (orange words), and ‘Stop That Dog’, (purple words). Children will learn a new word every night and revise the old words. When all the green words are taught the children will start on the orange words for the next book.
Shared Reading
Each night your child may pick a library book from the class library to be read as story time at home. This is to encourage the love of reading as well as reading fluency. Your child may recognise some of the words or none depending on their level of reading fluency. This is perfectly normal. Please read with and to your child. They may fill out their library card and perhaps use a happy face if they enjoyed the book.
In senior infants we continue to engage with Aistear where children explore different topics in the form of learning through play. Some topics to be covered are : The Restaurant, the doctor’s surgery, the pet shop, the post office etc.
Jolly Phonics
Children will continue to learn the Jolly Phonics programme from Junior Infants.
The Senior Infants Maths programme consists of number 1-10, patterns, 2D shapes, 3D shapes, spatial awareness, data, money, length, width, capacity, time and weight. Please continue to revise numbers orally and number formation. Please revise concepts and reinforce new topics as the arise.