Homework is assigned on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. In Second Class, homework should take approximately 20-30 minutes each evening. Please check and sign homework daily. Equal importance should be placed upon oral and learning homework (reading, spellings, tables) and written homework. Showing a consistent interest in your child’s work and encouraging all efforts will benefit your child greatly.
It is essential that parents have pupils on time each morning and collect them promptly when school finishes at 2:45pm. Pupils who arrive at school from 9.05am onwards must be signed in by a parent outside the school office.
Children should not attend school if they are sick to avoid the spread of illness. Upon their return to school, please update your child’s absence reason through the Aladdin Connect app.
We would encourage children to eat a healthy diet. Food which is high in sugar, such as chocolate and crisps, is discouraged. Studies have found that it stimulates hyperactivity and has an adverse effect on children’s performance and behaviour. A sandwich and fruit make a healthy lunch. Drinks may be put in a plastic container or bottle.
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated reader is a computer programme which supports reading and
comprehension skills. Each child has a username and password for their
individual profile. Children get the opportunity to take Accelerated Reader
quizzes at school but it can also be accessed from home to maximise the
benefits of the programme. Homework vouchers are awarded to children when they reach their targets.
Parent/Teacher Communication
If you or your child is worried about something related to school, arrange to see the teacher by making an appointment through the school office or by emailing the teacher directly. Parent/Teacher meetings take place each year in November.
Label all belongings
Children can become upset and distressed if their belongings are misplaced or lost and much time is lost identifying mislaid items. To avoid this, please label all items belonging to your child including their uniforms, books, folders, pencils, colours, etc.
Encourage Independence
Give your child the habit of checking their school bag each morning to see that they have books, glasses, lunches, etc.