Homework is assigned for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
1 st class homework takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete each
evening. Please ensure all homework is completed and sign your child’s
homework diary to confirm this.
Parent/Teacher Communication
We hold a parent-teacher meeting in November.
Should any issues arise or you need to contact the teacher in the interim please write a note and send it in with the student. If it is urgent please leave a message with the school secretary and we will ring you back.
Children should not attend school if they are sick to avoid the spread of illness. Upon their return to school, please fill in an absence note which is located at the back of their homework journals. Alternatively, you can update your child’s absence reason through the Aladdin Connect app.
We have a healthy eating policy in our school and we encourage children to eat a healthy lunch daily.
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated reader is a computer programme which supports reading and
comprehension skills. Each child has a username and password for their
individual profile. Children get the opportunity to take Accelerated Reader
quizzes at school but it can also be accessed from home to maximise the
benefits of the programme. Certificates are awarded to children when they
reach their targets.